Information Session: Anne of Green Gables Licensing Authority
Fri, March 28, 2025, 10:30 AM (AST)

About this event
If you have ever been inspired by Anne of Green Gables and thought about creating something that incorporates elements of the book into your work but didn’t know where to begin or what the rules might be, this free info session will be a great place to start.
Hosted by the Anne of Green Gables Licensing Authority and featuring special guest speakers Dr. Laura Robinson from the L.M. Montgomery Institute, and Shannon Pratt from Innovation PEI, this information session will guide you through the licensing process and provide you with the basic knowledge that you need when it comes to the copyrights and trademarks that exist for Anne, Diana, Marilla, Matthew and/or Green Gables.
The Anne of Green Gables Licensing Authority is jointly owned by the Province of Prince Edward Island and the Heirs of L.M. Montgomery Inc. AGGLA was established to protect the integrity of the images of Anne, to preserve and enhance the legacy of L.M. Montgomery and her literary works, and to control the use of Anne of Green Gables and related trademarks and official marks, including Green Gables House ("Anne" trademarks). "Images of Anne" means words and images depicting the fictional characters, places, and events described in Montgomery's novel Anne of Green Gables and related novels.
Join us for this information session on Friday, March 28th, 2025 at 10:30 a.m. at The Studios at 94 Water Street, Charlottetown, PEI. The session is FREE to attend, but registration is required.